
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Changing of The Guard

Buckingham Palace - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

WHEN MANY of us hear: "changing of the guard," we think of our own infantry soldiers at "The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier" at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Ironically, I don't have any photos from there. There are, of course, similar places in other countries around the world where there are guards and the shift changes are an impressive ceremony. As well, there are colorful guards, and changing-of-the-guard ceremonies around the world.

The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace is more like a complete parade
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Athens, Greece - Copyright Andy Richards 2015 - All Rights Reserved

PROBABLY THE first of these that I photographed were during our second trip to the Mediterranean in 2015, in Athens. The changing of the guard ceremony at the Athens "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" is very entertaining, with the Greek Soldier's unique uniform dress and high-stepping marching. 

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - Athens, Greece - Copyright Andy Richards 2015 - All Rights Reserved
The Acropolis - Athens, Greece - Copyright Andy Richards 2015 - All Rights Reserved

WHILE THE ceremonies might be impressive, the soldiers are not mere ceremonial actors. For the most part, they are active-duty soldiers who rotate in and out of these roles, which having other potentially more serious military duties. And some of the facilities guards are more modernly dressed, like this group who paraded through the Acropolis, just as we entered. 

Guards at The Vatican - Rome, Italy - Copyright Andy Richards 2015 - All Rights Reserved

LATER DURING that same trip, we visited The Vatican. We did not see any ceremony or guard change, but the Vatican Guards certainly were colorful and photogenic. 

Buckingham Palace - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

WE SAW the greatest variety of guards, though, during our recent 2021 trip to England. It seems like there was a castle or palace everywhere we turned, and they all had guards, starting with the perhaps grandest of them all: Buckingham Palace. The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace is more like a complete parade, with guards coming on horseback from the Horseguards Headquarters, from perhaps a half mile up the road - fittingly called The Mall -  from the palace.

Buckingham Palace - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

THERE ARE always guards on post at the palace gates, and at Buckingham, they are always adorned with the tall, black bearskin hats. 

Horse Guards Headquarters - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

THE QUEEN's horseback guards have a huge quartering and staging facility including a large yard, where the guards stage up for any ceremony or changing of the guard. They then proceed down the Mall to and from the Palace. The Horse Guards Facility is pretty impressive. I consider it a "must see" if you visit Westminster while in London - and you simply must visit Westminster. 😊

Horse Guards - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

WATCHING THE changing ceremony for the guard posts for the Horse Guards facility itself, is equally entertaining.

Horse Guards - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

Horse Guards - Westminster, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved
 IN LONDON's Tower of London (once the primary castle for the monarchy built under William the Conqueror) had its own guards, who were correspondingly colorful and photogenic. As might be expected, there were guards posted at every gate, and around the grounds.

Tower of London - London, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved
 I WAS particularly drawn to the guards around the building housing The Crown Jewels.
Tower of London - London, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved
OUR VISIT to nearby Windsor, and Windsor Castle did not disappoint either. As the Queen's primary residence when not in Westminster, the guard presence was more subtle, but nonetheless very real.

Windsor Castle - Windsor, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved
 AM always impressed by their total focus when on duty.

Windsor Castle - Windsor, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

Windsor Castle -Windsor, England - Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved
 I KNOW that over the years, we will see many more guards and perhaps several more changing ceremonies as we continue to travel the world. Whenever possible, I will continue to photograph them.

Changing of The Guard Ceremony - Buckingham Palace - Westminster, England
Copyright Andy Richards 2021 - All Rights Reserved

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